Help your customers secure everything they code

Jit provides an all-in-one platform for app and cloud security, uniquely designed to help developers consistently resolve vulnerabilities before production.
Become a Jit Partner

The Jit Partner Network is just getting started

  • We welcome partners from across the globe who want to grow their business through a stronger engagement with Jit
  • We work with technology partners, Systems Integrators, and resellers to simplify product security for any company - from startups to enterprises
  • Streamline opportunities with a simple pricing structure - everything is included at a flat rate per developer
  • Our partner program offers competitive incentives for those interested in a deeper relationship with Jit

Jit’s Partner Program includes the resources you need to grow

  • Team training on Jit’s product and messaging to hit the ground running, with free customer support for smooth onboarding

  • Go-to-market materials to help communicate the value of Jit

  • We work closely with AWS: Jit is an AWS ISV Accelerate Partner, favors AWS Marketplace transactions, and can make Channel Partner Private Offers
Static Application
Security Testing
The #1 rated
ASPM Platform
See reviews
Secure Code
Secure Code

We make our partners look great

Your customers will love Jit’s all-in-one platform 
that makes ten code and cloud security scanners feel like one.
Fully integrated into the
developer environment
One-click activation across tools
Integrate Jit with your SCM to start scanning code in minutes
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Easy for developers to adopt
Automated scanning and feedback within the developer environment
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Full coverage and flexibility
Add tools as requirements change - all included at a flat rate per dev
See Pricing
Support for all common languages
Javascript, Python, Terraform, Java, Go, C#, Ruby, and many more
View Coverage

Easily align with security and compliance standards

  • Support for common standards: SOC2, NIST frameworks, CIS Benchmarks, OWASP guidelines, PCI, HIPAA, and more
  • Reporting: demonstrate compliance with reporting that can be exported for auditors

  • Policy enforcement: Set guardrails for developers that enable them to build systems in compliance with regulations and standards
Learn about Jit’s Security Plans for compliance >
Includes the DAST and vulnerability management requirements to fulfill OWASP ASVS.
Includes IaC scanning, CSPM, secrets detection, and vulnerability management requirements for AWS FTR.
SOC2 Plan
Will include the required x capabilities for SOC 2 compliance.
OWASP Top 10 Plan
Will include the security controls needed to surface the most recent OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
CIS Benchmark Plan
Coming soon! Will include the security controls needed to score well for the CIS Benchmark.

Ready to see Jit in action?

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